My second independent reading book is “Twilight”. I finished it about a month ago and I am working on my second reading journal now. I discovered several things when I was reading it. United States is a “free” country!! In the book, the main chacarter, Bella, was a junior student. She had her own car and most of the characters in this book knew how to drive. They could go out with their friends at night and their parents didn’t limit them so much. They had lots of fun activities at school. Bella went out to the prom with Edward at the end of this book. Both of my parents are Chinese, and some of my friends are in China. They don’t need to drive to school and they don’t even think about driving when they go to college. It’s because they have very good transportations, like buses, trains, and MTR(underground train). In real life, my parents always limit me to go outsides without them, because it is very dangerous! It’s always be their most eloquent and most common reaso
n, and I’ve heard so many time…… Anyway, I know it’s because they care me so I don’t quite care they limit me or not. Some of my friends in China tell me that they have so many fun activities at school, but completely different activities than in the United states. Although this book was just talked about the school life in the United States(a little bit), I compared it with the school life in China. This reminds me that every country , every person has their own personal way to face their life.You don’t have to do the same way to get the same results. In my personal comment, I enjoy the process more than the result itself. So that why I like to travel different countries in the world to see different kind of stuffs. That will be super funif I have this chance!!

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