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"Mauritius" is a play that is about a girl who had two Mauritius "Post Office" stamps: "One Penny" and "Two Pence" and tried to sell them. They were worth a lot because people supposed to print "Post Paid" on a stamp, not "Post Office" as these two Mauritius stamps. There were only five hundred of each value printed at that time. In the play, the main character, Jackie had both of them which belonged to her step-sister, Mary's grandfather. They supposed to belong to Mary after their mother's death but Mary wasn't here when their mother was dying. Mary wanted them back but Jackie wanted to sell them because
they were worth a lot.One of the themes in the play is different people have different opinions. In the "Mauritius", Jackie and Dennis wanted to sell the two "Post Office" stamps in exchange of money. Mary and Philip were kind of opposite. They thought these two stamps were belonged to the world, not for a specific person or for the money.Another example of the play is to believe yourself and not to believe what you are not sure. Mary and Philip lie to Jackie that the two "Post Office" weren't real. Jackie believed them and let them get the stamps. She shouldn't believe her and asked some evidences about the two stamps.
In my opinion, I think Mary was the right person and she had the right to get the stamps. It is because those stamps were from her own grandfather, not Jackie's grandfather. She was the only one who had the right to decide the stamps' future --- were sold or sat at a museum. Also, I think she should help Jackie to solve the problem of her bills by selling them. Comparing this to my older sister, I think we have better relationship than they had. Although we always have fights, the fights aren't that big and we will talk happily a second after. I think it is a interesting play.
The movie "O Brother, Where ART Thou?" has some similarities and differences between the book "The Alchemist". In the "The Alchemist", Santiago has to start a journey in order to find his treasure. In the movie " O Brother, Where ART Thou?", the main characters Everett, Pete and Delmar also have a journey to find their treasure. The difference is that they are not alone in their journey. Although they sometimes would have different opinions at different things. At least, they can have someone to save each other when they meet some challenges. They can use teamwork to solve the problem together. In the book "Lirael", the main character, Lirael, released a Free Magic dangerous creature inside the library. Although she held it inside the room, her spell couldn't held it that long and forever. She needed to find the way to bind it. Her new and only friend, the Disreputable Dog, brought her courage to face the dangerous creature. That is why Everett, Pete, and Delmar might have a easier time than Santiago.
In "The Alchemist", Santiago decided to tell the chieftains about the omen he observed from the two hawks. He discovered that the oasis was dangerous and he wanted to do something to help with this bad situation. He knew if it wasn't true, it will bring him the death only. In his situation, he was so confusion what to do next. This scene remained me that "Sabriel" seemed had a similar situation. Sabriel decided to go to the Wyverley College to get more helpers to destroy the Kerrigor's "body". She knew that this decision will bring her classmates danger only. She had no choice and it was her responsibility to save the world. The similarity between these two decision is they both had a chance to cause death after they decided to do it. The difference between them is Santiago's decision might cause his own death but Sabriel's decision might cause her classmates' death, not her own. At the end of "Sabriel", Sabriel's decision caused some of her classmates and teachers dead. I think it still worth it because it saved the other people. "You lose something small but you get something big back."However, I still haven't finished "The Alchemist" yet. I am so excited to know what is going to happen next. ( > v < )